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Foodles are food doodles! Check out these silly characters :)

This is ShakesPEARe. He’s a famous fruit who has penned such plays as A Midsummer Night’s Bean, Yamlet, Julius Caesar Salad, The Taming of the Stew, Romaineo and Vinaigrette, and MacBread. He often says the words “methinks” and “perchance” and “forsooth.” And he comes up with creative insults like, “Thou puking, pox-marked, pumpkin pignut!” and “Thou yeasty strumpet crumpet!” and his personal favorite, “Thou hot potato-headed, onion-eyed, maggot-festering, moldy mango!”

This is Onion. He cries a lot. Sometimes he feels overly sensitive––he has a lot of emotional layers, you know. And sometimes he’s just teary from allergies. Sometimes he cries happy tears or weeps because he feels so much love. And sometimes he’s hurt because people say he has onion breath, and there’s really nothing he can do about that. Here he is sniveling because he feels an unexplained, deep sadness seeping out from the depths of his oniony center.

a plum + sugar + more sugar + pixie dust, probably + ballet shoes + even more sugar + fairy wand + nutcracker music + don’t forget the crown + one more sprinkling of sugar = a sugar plum fairy.


Boo-berries. They're blueberries...but dead. Moldy and rotten, they'll soon be forgotten. Eat them if you dare!

Sasquash resemble the elusive and legendary Bigfoot Sasquatch, but in squash form. Once Halloween and Thanksgiving have passed, leftover pumpkins and squashy fruit turn squishy as they age into mushy, misshapen produce. These forgotten fruits may be found festering in your kitchen, rotting in your bushes, or even aimlessly roaming your lawn at night. They’ll eventually find their way to a wooded area where they’ll fully transform into their seedy Sasquash selves. Pictured is a Delicata Sasquash.

Lord & Lady Pearington: A pair of pears.

🎶 They’re creepy and they’re kooky, Mysterious and spooky, They’re altogether ooky, The Addams *Apple* Family! 🎶 (Snap, snap) 🍎🍏

The Three Calientes: A Mariache Band. They're hot, hot, hot!

Frankly, he's a weenie gone wrong.

The Big Apple … or Applezilla!!

Beware of the Wheat Bread SandWitch who cackles “Whee - hee - hee - heat!” while flying on her fork. She just might turn you into a loaf of bread! 🍞


The Starch is strong with this foodle.

If your day turns sour, just remember to do The Lime Warp & everything will be alright. (Inspired by The Rocky Horror Picture Show.)

Thanks to her Fairy Gourdmother, Cinderpumpkin feels gourdgeous!

These sisters want to squash Cinderpumpkin's dreams.

Hansel und Pretzel are venturing into the deep, dark forest. But don't worry, they're leaving a pretzel bread crumb trail so they can find their way back home.

When Santa Claus comes to town, cookies crumble. 🍪


Broccoli is feeling pretty pleased with herself for finding her center while doing Tree Pose. 🌳 (Created for Molly Basler's The Yogini blog.)

Miss Lemon is just living her best yoga life on The Yogini Ginger/Clove Luscious Lemonade bottles. She's on an adorable tank top, too! What a star. Er, lemon. ⭐️✨🍋 Get your Yogini on at Follow Your Heart Market and various farmer's markets in L.A. | Lemonade is lovingly made by Yogini extraordinaire Molly Basler | Pineapple Ginger Luscious Lemonade is also available.🍍

I don't think this carrot wants it to be winter anymore...

The Banana Split!

These grapes are not ready to jam.

I think Talk Like a Pirate Day should be Talk Like a *Papirate* Day.

Baby Carrots

And Tinker Syrup!

Fortune (Teller) Cookie

This Fortune (Teller) Cookie says, "YOU ARE AN ARTISTIC PERSON LET YOUR COLORS SHOW" Will do, Cookie. Will do.

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